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Bringing Joy and Hope

Shine International’s Heartwarming December Initiative in Mudakor Village, Uganda Shine International has once again extended its caring hands to the elderly, orphans and widows of Mudakor, a quaint village nestled in the heart of Amagoro, Tororo District in Uganda.

Shine International’s first Graduate

Alokait Joyce Brenda, born into a family of eight, faced adversity from an early age. Her father passed away in 2006 when she was just in top class (Pre-School/Nursery).

In loving memory of Pastor Phillip Ekapolon

It is with deep sorrow and heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our beloved Director Pastor Ekapolon Phillip, who departed this world on August 31, 2022

Empower Tororo

Will you restore hope for orphans, the elderly and vulnerable girls in our community?

Empower Tororo

Will you restore hope for orphans, the elderly and vulnerable girls in our community?

Empower Tororo

Will you restore hope for orphans, the elderly and vulnerable girls in our community?

Back to School

Will you restore hope for orphans, in our community? 

Our Story

According to Genesis 12:1-2, God told Abraham to “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you . . . and I will bless you, and you will be a blessing.”  In 2004, Brian heeded a similar call when he left his country, his people and his father’s household to join the United States Peace Corps as a volunteer.  At the time, Brian had no idea to which country God would be taking him, but in June 2004 he landed in Uganda and was eventually placed in a rural area near Pallisa Town in Eastern Uganda.

Back to school

By providing access to education, healthcare, and basic needs, Shine International is helping to build a brighter future for the children of Tororo district. Through their dedication and commitment, Shine International is showing that with the right resources and support, vulnerable children can thrive and achieve their dreams. Despite all these efforts, there are still more children who need support.

Covid’19 had adverse effects on the communities we serve.

Children were not in school, families were starving.
Together, we united to help people in need.

What We Do

Spiritual Development

Our faith in the God of the Bible is our source of energy and is the inspiration for everything we do.

Children and Youth

The core of our efforts in Uganda have always centered on developing the next generation.

Elderly & Widows

We assist some widows and elderly members of our community with basic needs.

Pallisa Public Library

Brian built Pallisa Public Library when he served in Pallisa as a Peace Corps Volunteer from 2004-2006.

Health & Hygiene Initiatives

We ensure that the children to whom we offer educational support receive proper medical care.

    Our Projects

    Tuition Assistance for Children in Need

    We empower orphans and underprivileged children to SHINE by developing their passions and talents through tuition assistance and scholarships, and by providing required school uniforms, scholastic materials, shoes and other basic essentials. Join us today.

    Tuition Assistance for Children in Need

    We empower orphans and underprivileged children to SHINE by developing their passions and talents through tuition assistance and scholarships, and by providing required school uniforms, scholastic materials, shoes and other basic essentials. Join us today.


    Health & Hygiene

    Youth Sports

    Public Library

    Get Involved

    The generous will themselves be blessed. –Proverbs 22:9

    Your generosity helps Africans develop the talents and passions that God gave them by providing critical needs such as food, clothing, medical care, skill development, entrepreneurship opportunities and educational support.

    God will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. -Hebrews 6:10

    Show your love by joining us in Uganda on a missions trip.

    The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry. –Psalm 34:15

    oin others across the world in praying for the people and communities that Shine serves. By joining the Shine Prayer Team, you will receive periodic prayer newsletters that include guided prayer points and other news and information.


    Health & Hygiene

    Youth Sports

    Public Library

    Get Involved

    The generous will themselves be blessed. –Proverbs 22:9

    Your generosity helps Africans develop the talents and passions that God gave them by providing critical needs such as food, clothing, medical care, skill development, entrepreneurship opportunities and educational support.

    God will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. -Hebrews 6:10

    Show your love by joining us in Uganda on a missions trip.

    The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry. –Psalm 34:15

    oin others across the world in praying for the people and communities that Shine serves. By joining the Shine Prayer Team, you will receive periodic prayer newsletters that include guided prayer points and other news and information.


      Helping out the family of Odongo Robert

      With money from the 5K that Shine International was blessed to receive, we were able to help out the family of Odongo Robert. The man with disabilities, his hand can type like no man’s business yet he cannot walk as he was born with deformed legs.

      Shine International is blessed with the opportunity to support his kids with school fees. But this time he got his own printer, scanner, and a photo copier to support his family through his secretarial skills. Above are some pictures of his wife and 4 kids.

      Also, we were able to pay tuition for Tereza who is a total orphan with no parents or siblings as both her parents and her younger brother died of Aids and left Tereza alone when she was just 10 years old. With your support we were able to buy 2 pieces of fabric for her apprenticeship and pay her tuition as she continues in her tailoring course.

      God bless you all for your support.

      Get In Touch


      Our Address

      Shine International, Inc.
      18890 Concord Street Northwest
      Elk River, Minnesota 55330


      +1 612-757-8252/+256779394767